The Art of Learning

There are some books that make a long lasting impression on us... I want to introduce to you the book that gave me energy, that reminded me again and again, that chess is so much more than just a game that we passionately love. It is an incredible educational tool. The Art of Learning is written by the person who understood chess on the level that allowed him to grow as a human being, and use the skills from chess in other areas of his life. From being an eight-time US chess champion in his youth he was able to become a martial arts champion...
Recently, his foundation donated to us 100 copies of his 2 books: The Art of Learning and Attacking Chess. The coaches of the winning teams of the May 3 Chess Olympiad received the first copies of it and after that we will be using them at the teaches training workshops and camps.
So, visit his website (, read his books, get inspired... and we have hopes that next year he will be able to visit Belize.
