Stann Creek Chess Life

Stann Creek Chess Club is the first district that was able to organize themselves so well and create a lot of chess activity going on among the primary schools, as well as High Schools.
They "walk their talk": they discussed in the end of the summer what they wanted to do and since then, they started running clubs in different schools, organized a very successful district tournament( see pics from it below on this page), have weekly sessions/meetings for the coaches to discuss further plans and to play chess... and much more. Please take a look at their web page(see the link to stanncreekchess on the top right side of this page) to see their district calendar of events, chess puzzles, contact information....and to get the feel of how much those volunteers were able to achieve in a very short period of time.. despite of shortage of chess equipment, despite of all the coaches having full time jobs and families. They do what needs to be done and beyond...
We hope that their initiative to organize themselves into an active DISTRICT club and create their own page to share the chess life in Stann Creek with others will inspire other districts to do the same....